first exam in 5 days. its german
i managed to deposit $50 in party rather than $500, so wont bother with the $10 bonus.
I'm gonna start helping a person called donna out in getting her from completely noob status to bonuswhore. how this pans out i have no idea. i met her on the crypto play money tables whilst i was trying to sort out my image files. i still dont know whats going on, the willhill ones are different to interpoker and betfair.
She doesn't pay me anything, but does sign up through me to give me the referals. thats the price she pays (as opposed to say $10p/h which is what i would charge)
my fees cheque cleared. £1k. student loan is in natwest bank account. i will have to go into the branch though i think, as i'm having a few problems. Its a cool £3k though.
This month has been pretty sweet pokerwise, and whilst it would be nice to round up to $1000 profit on the month, i wont be pushing it. I have too much to do now.
Tomorrow is straight to natwest, then nationwide to put in a cheque. hopefully i'll make breaky tomorrow morning so i can do stuff all day.
I'm also entered for all my resits (great).
just won a 6-max STT on UB for $1.10. return was $4.20. quite fun to just mess around. gonna give my bro the $50 thats there so he can learn that game i think. turn him into an STT machine or a LHE autopliot robot. Either way $50 is enough to get used to things.
i managed to deposit $50 in party rather than $500, so wont bother with the $10 bonus.
I'm gonna start helping a person called donna out in getting her from completely noob status to bonuswhore. how this pans out i have no idea. i met her on the crypto play money tables whilst i was trying to sort out my image files. i still dont know whats going on, the willhill ones are different to interpoker and betfair.
She doesn't pay me anything, but does sign up through me to give me the referals. thats the price she pays (as opposed to say $10p/h which is what i would charge)
my fees cheque cleared. £1k. student loan is in natwest bank account. i will have to go into the branch though i think, as i'm having a few problems. Its a cool £3k though.
This month has been pretty sweet pokerwise, and whilst it would be nice to round up to $1000 profit on the month, i wont be pushing it. I have too much to do now.
Tomorrow is straight to natwest, then nationwide to put in a cheque. hopefully i'll make breaky tomorrow morning so i can do stuff all day.
I'm also entered for all my resits (great).
just won a 6-max STT on UB for $1.10. return was $4.20. quite fun to just mess around. gonna give my bro the $50 thats there so he can learn that game i think. turn him into an STT machine or a LHE autopliot robot. Either way $50 is enough to get used to things.
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