Here was the month in total

Yesterday I made $60 from casinowhoring, $15 from LHE1/2 and £25 from willhill monthly bonus. paid $59.5 in tourney fees, but managed to cash in the $4.40 180 man and made $85 for 3rd.
my rakeback was $490
BR at $10888
i'd broken $11k, thanks to this week. online has been rocking, live has been up and down this week. i was up £194 one night and then down £150 another... oops.
However I'm minusing £800 right here and at 1.9 ex rate, I'm rolling at $9368 + this week.
There's a mansion $1100 free bet taht I'm gonna holla at. I'll almost definitely hedge it. Not much to say cos I'm extra tired. spent $70 in tourney entries today, i'll account for that later. My housemate moved in at 12pm so I've had like 3.5hrs sleep today. ffs.
here's my NL100 and NL200 graph on my main party account. fun times.

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