
I've just taken the past 4 days off, and to be honest I won't have any time to play till teusday at the earliest, and in very happy about it.
I really dont WANT to play poker right now. I messed up in my first two weeks after my exams, by not hanging out, getting drunk etc whilst everyone was still around. Now only a handful of people are in London, and even less are ones that I want to hang out with.
I've been watching the football and generally just hanging out.
The England vs T&T was really good. People thought England were poor, but I disagree. They made good chances but couldnt find the finishes. I'm sure that on another day it would have been a very different scoreline.
I managed to catch the end of the Argentina game today and gotta say they do look good. They seem so solid throughout the team, and can't wait till they play Holland.
Right now I'm packing to move my stuff over to Elephant and Castle tomorrow. Its pretty cool place but they dont have the internet. I've gotta sort that out, but hell I'm pretty lazy. Also gotta pay for it. I'd better sort that out monday.
I've finally read some psychology notes, and OMG there's a whole section basically on gambling.
Although I said I'm not playing poker, I have to get back to it (maybe event his weekend if i get time). This is what i will be looking at.
Stars have a reload. An opportunity to work on my STT game
Pokerroom bonus, where I'll probably clear at the NL50, 0.5/1 or even STTs.
Party where my rb deal is looking good. I'm gonna have to play much more there and am looking to play 9 tables a lot more. I'm also gonna do 4 tables at NL50 for a while to get back into things.
Got all the cryptos to clear of course.
edit: just had a shower and am scrambling to watch the end of the Holland v Ivory Coast game...
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