Back in the big LDN
So I'm back now for a couple of days. Had a good start yesterday. played about 2.8k worth of donkmanets and won the daily fifteen grand on stars, unfortuanately its only a $11 buyin but 1st was 6.8k
I also played a satellite to the GUKPT. It was a $250 buyin and I won a seat to the brighton GUKPT so I'm gonna go play that next week sometime. They're so soft so I'm excited.
Since last time I've been to NY and buffalo for the bills-giants game, and then vegas for the msnl house. So much stuff happneed theres no way I can remember it all. Im gonna try and start blogging whilst im at placess o that I can give all teh stories. After that PCA. Such a dissapointment going inot day 3 with 150k and busting 133 with 120 paying.
Plans right now are for LAPC which is happening in a couple of weeks.
I also played a satellite to the GUKPT. It was a $250 buyin and I won a seat to the brighton GUKPT so I'm gonna go play that next week sometime. They're so soft so I'm excited.
Since last time I've been to NY and buffalo for the bills-giants game, and then vegas for the msnl house. So much stuff happneed theres no way I can remember it all. Im gonna try and start blogging whilst im at placess o that I can give all teh stories. After that PCA. Such a dissapointment going inot day 3 with 150k and busting 133 with 120 paying.
Plans right now are for LAPC which is happening in a couple of weeks.
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