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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Week Break

So i haven't played much, pretty much just had a week off. I say this every month, but this month the goal REALLY IS to clock around 40k hands.

This month is the first time in ages that I've felt pretty sure that I will too. The main goal is to not tilt, and I hope I don't have to play too many sessions where I am chasing 5 buyins to break even. I'm gonna play about 5k hands of NL200 the first few days (2-3 days max I'm gonna say), then drop 10k hands at NL400. I'll set a shot 'stop-loss' at 5 buyins, but I'm really expecting not to have to. I'm really confident about things right now. Tomorrow I'm gonnaget my ass through the first 3 eps of 24, and then a couple of CR vids. Monday I think I have class, and also need to see my tutor, but then will clock 2k hands in the evening. Actually forget what I said about hands before I play NL400, if I have class/am slightly tired I'll be at NL200 and maybe NL100 if I'm really tired, but if I'm fresh I'll be at NL400. Lets not beat around the bush, I'm fed up of NL200 monies and I've seen several players whom I consider weak playing NL400, as well as an array of fish.

new setup is:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice set up dude

3:46 PM  
Blogger Amatay said...

Hey nice blog. How do you get that set up??/ Also, i was wondering what username you play under at Party.

2:50 AM  

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