The Big Picture
As shown above! for a $4316 total
- £25 from willhill monthly
- $120 stars reload
- $1085 from party reload + surprise surpirse + winter promo + pick your gift
- $100 froma flip because I lost monies at NL(0.10).
- $450 from play whilst clearing $400 in bonuses
- $800 from my gambling problems
- (£200) cash games after my blowup tilt
- +£80 in total from donkament
total $6681 for teh month. Wow I didn't bother to total before, but I was closer to $7k than I thought. Could have broken $7k, but as can be seen below I got AI preflop with AA vs KK vs QT and lost in the $500 pot when KK spiked. kinda gay because I went on lifetilt right there, before spending 5hrs to come off lifetilt. A terrible way to welcome the new year, playing a 6.5hr session to get unstuck. The games were good though and I'd probably have got unstuck a lot sooner had I actually run well or not got outdrawn in tough spots.

So pre living costs I hit $19861 total, butI'm gonna -$4861 this month cos I bought a new comp and am gonna start withdrawing more. So BR back to $15000 but tbh it probably makes no difference if I had $10k, $15k or $20k right now, I'm staying at NL200 until I feel I dominate the level, and even if I'm jsut a mild winner its really good money if I can get the hands in. In the past BR was to 'keep score' but now I almost don't care, I'm just keeping it updated incase I do care sometime
Nice job!!
Thanks for keeping us updated. I'll be in touch when all gets back to normal.
All the best for 2007
Wow awesome December!!! Keep it up for 07!
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