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Monday, March 10, 2008


I played well and ran better. So I went for another Sunday where I'd only play the bigger stuff. I enjoyed it and think my Sundya ROI will be a lot higher this way. Only smaller one I played was the sunday lotto aka the Sunday Hundred Grand for $11 buyin.

Played quite a few, but managed to somehow not register for the FTP 750k and the Second Chance. Not really sure how I missed them, probably distracted by the other donkaments. I won a $215 satellite on FTP for a $10k package but then almost immediately busted the 40k gtd with 16 left, which was fustrating. Not actually sure if my shove was any good in a re- iso spot. nvm, such is life.
I cashed for around 2k yesterday, plus the seat on top.

There are a lot of satellites running right now for a variety of different things. There's EPT San Remo (although no stars sats anymore), Monte Carlo, WSOP ME, Irish Open, PPM and some Genting Stanley something or other.

I've been getting pretty damn close with the WSOP sats, just a little annoying not to convert any. I've decided not to put that much cash in this week, will probably just do more tournaments and see if I can convert some of the new found running good.

For the month I've played a whoping 1k hands. Up $3k in it tho, and although 1k hands is usually a quick 1.5hr session, This has taken around 5.5hrs because I've been 1-3 tabling after my donkament sessions. Later this week I might put in a few hrs just grinding 9 tables or something but I'm enjoying donkaments and am able to play decently long sessions when doing them, something which I've never been good at doing with cash.

Probably gonna take today off since I had a busy Saturday and Sunday, and I'm hoping for 10k hands before Saturday again.


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